Early Language Skills Development in Newborn To 36 Month Old Babies

Early Language Skills Development in Newborn To 36 Month Old Babies

Dec 20, 2023

Early Language Skills Development

early language skills development

Language development in children from newborn to 36 months is a dynamic process that involves the acquisition of various skills, including understanding and expressing language, and developing social communication abilities.

0 - 12 Months

From birth to 12 months, babies start to recognize important sounds in their environment, such as the voice of their mother or primary caretaker. They begin to sort out the speech sounds that compose the words of their language.

6 Months

By 6 months of age, most babies recognize the basic sounds of their native language. They also start to pay attention to a book or toy for at least two minutes, point to pictures in a book or body parts when named, and can point to or get many objects when asked.

12 to 18 Months

From 12 to 18 months, children start to enjoy rhymes and finger-play games. They begin to repeat other children's sounds and pretend to feed others. They also start to understand simple commands, such as "Get the cup" and "Touch your nose".

18 to 24 Months

Between 18 to 24 months, children start to understand the names of everyday objects and many describing words. They also start to like being read to.

24 to 36 Months

From 24 to 30 months, children start to understand more of what you say and ask. For example, your child may follow a three-step request such as "Bring me your socks, shoes, and coat." They also start to use 3- and 4-word sentences consistently and describe things in more detail (colour, size, shape).

30 to 36 Months

30 to 36 months

Between 30 to 36 months, children start to understand pronouns like "mine", "yours", and respond to "big", "little". They also start to understand action words like jump, kick, kiss, throw, etc. They begin to follow 3-step directions. At this stage, children's speech is so that 75 to 80% of it is understandable. They start to use 3- to 5-word sentences and may stumble over words. They also begin to use adjectives and prepositions.

At 3 Years

By 3 years, they have a vocabulary of 900 to 1000 words.

These stepping stones are general guidelines and the rate at which children reach their speech and language development stepping stones can vary depending on individual differences and environmental factors.

Bonus! Language Explosion! Word Spurt!

word spurt

At around 18 months, many children go through a language explosion, a "word spurt" or a period of rapid language development. During this time, children may learn twenty or more words in a day! They are expanding their vocabulary and understanding of the world around them. It is an exciting time as they start to explore, express themselves and ask questions about things they hear and see.


It is important to remember that the language development of children varies and that no two children will develop at the same rate or in the same way. However, understanding the different steps of language development can help identify any potential delays in speech and language skills. It can also help recognize when additional support may be needed for a child’s development as they progress through each stage. With patience and practice, all children have the capability to acquire strong communication skills. By providing a supportive environment with plenty of opportunities for conversations, reading aloud, singing songs, talking about what they’re doing throughout their day - you are building a foundation for your child's communication growth and success!









A "word spurt" refers to a significant and rapid increase in a toddler's vocabulary, typically occurring around 18 months of age. During this period, toddlers experience a notable expansion in their ability to learn and use new words. This phenomenon is often described as a language explosion, as children begin to acquire and express a wide range of words and phrases. The term "word spurt" is commonly used to characterize this phase of accelerated language development in young children.

